General Instruction

Each presenter will be given a time slot of 12 minutes in total, which distribute as 10 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of discussion. As the schedule of presentation sessions is tight it is utmost importance that all presenter are ready and in time for their presentation. The introduction of each presenter will be kept brief when introduced by the moderator. In order for the audience to move between sessions we will keep the schedule starting time for each presentation even if the previous author do not require the full 12 minutes allowed.


Presenter can display their presentation on PowerPoint (or equivalent software). The material presentation (PPT) should be stored in a virus-free flash disk and given at the day of presentation.



  • Make sure to input your Title, Name, Institution where you finish your paper and your email at the center of poster
  • Your are free to determine the content of your poster
  • Poster should be compile in English
  • Poster made in size A1 Paper (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm)
  • Poster are registered to the committee during re-registration on the D-Day

Example Poster